A third of each day, if not more, is spent at work. Given the amount of time you frequent your office or worksite, you deserve to feel safe and at ease in your environment.
That’s where security comes in. By implementing just a few security measures into the workplace, you can feel confident that you, your staff, and any patrons are in good hands.
Therefore, let’s explore a few ways to improve security in your workplace.
3 Ways To Improve Security At Your Workplace
Security Cameras
Many people underestimate how beneficial security cameras in Calgary can be. By simply installing a handful of cameras in high-traffic areas, such as the front door or lobby, you can be alerted to any disturbances as soon as they occur, ensuring that they don’t progress further into the building.
Additionally, security cameras act as a set of eyes once everyone has left for the day. Rather than leaving your property unprotected and unattended, security cameras will catch any trespassers or dangerous behaviour.
Companies that supply security cameras often offer security camera monitoring services. This allows you to leave all security operations to the professionals, feeling confident that you will be alerted to trouble on your property when needed.

Controlled Entry
Securing entry points is another important way to ensure safety at your workplace. Many companies opt to implement key card entry systems, allowing them to control who has access to the building. This also allows companies to track access and easily deactivate cards in the event they are lost.
An alternative to key cards, or perhaps in addition to, are front desk concierges. These trained security guards can ensure there is controlled access to the building, while also acting as a point of contact during emergency situations.
Uniformed Security Guards
In addition to providing a watchful security presence, uniformed security guards offer several different services, from fire and flood watch to crisis management, theft and vandalism prevention, and parking control.
While security cameras in Calgary are certainly an excellent starting point, security guards take your workplace’s security to the next level, adding an extra layer of comfort and reliability.
Since 2006, Intercept Security Services (ISS Security) has provided companies in Western Canada with a complete security solution. We have a range of security guard services that companies can use to secure the safety of their establishments. All ISS security guards receive in-class training, specific site training that better prepares them, and are trained to respond to all types of situations. We work to establish long and fruitful client relationships thanks to our beliefs in trust, integrity, straightforward communication and meeting the needs of our clients. For the best security guard services in Calgary, Edmonton and the whole of Alberta, call our general number on 1-(855)-543-8477 or email us at [email protected].