Security Guard Services

Legal Limitations Every Private Security Guard Should Be Aware Of

Being a security guard is a rewarding career for those among us interested in regular interactions with the general public, following rules and regulations, and working in an active field. There are many options available to registered security professionals, and they may be placed into a variety of services.


These services include mobile patrols, where they drive vehicles to different locations and ensure there are no ne’er do wells present, and to ensure the property has not been damaged.


They also include stationing and patrols during events to prevent unauthorized access to secure areas, ensure people have proper passes for admittance, and stop any unruly behaviour.


In other situations, they are stationed at surveillance stations to monitor several areas of a facility and alert law enforcement officers to any suspicious activity or untoward behaviour. This could include large or small businesses where they perform loss prevention.


However, these are all tasks that can be expected of security guard services in Calgary. The question remains, what are they unable to do?


Security Guard Services Calgary


What Security Guard Services in Calgary Can’t Do


We have all heard the stories about security services getting out of hand during pursuits with unlawful individuals. These are usually valid examples unless the security guard has express authorization and training to perform this task.


One of the most important restraints on security guard services in Calgary is the inability to perform any task they are not qualified to perform. Qualified security guards are required to hold a valid certification, and must work for a company that holds a valid business license and certifications as well.


Even if they have previously received training, they are still unable to respond to security threats without having a valid license and direction for this type of response. However, these individuals can provide advice to others who do have valid certifications. 


And there you have it. Several ways that security guard services in Calgary are required to operate, and in what function they regularly perform said duties. Remember, the most important part of engaging in security services is to have a valid licence and to work with a valid, licenced company.


Since 2006, Intercept Security Services has provided companies in Western Canada with the complete security solution. We have a range of security guard services that companies can use to secure the safety of their establishments. All ISS security guards receive in-class training, specific site training that better prepares them, and are trained to respond to all types of situations. We work to establish long and fruitful client relationships thanks to our beliefs in trust, integrity, straight-forward communication, and meeting the needs of our clients. For the best security guard services in Calgary, Edmonton, and the whole of Alberta, call our general number on 1-(855)-543-8477 or email us at [email protected]

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